Friday, April 27, 2012

You know you want it..

Just another day in the land of the free

ugh!  My whole post just disappeared  :(    all that work.. really Blogger?!

well I guess it will have to wait for another day or later ..

V has not forgotten you..


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Beauty Contest

If its not what's on the outside that matters.... then it must on the inside where the good stuff can be found..
Plastic Babes
I'm not certain how old this little one is but does our insanity know no bounds?  She no longer looks human let alone like a child.  Starving for fame, Parents whore their children out at all costs.  Children are our most valuable resource for growth and improvement in the world.  As with any resource it must have the proper environment to thrive. When a child is deprived of sleep (as many of these children have schedules no adult could even handle) and made to believe they are inadequate there can be no positive outcome.
Um, I know a lot of women (& men) like to use this product without question (silly monkeys) but this product is a neurotoxin.  Plain and simple it is destroying what you are trying to save.  Overtime the muscles in your face will no longer be able to function at all; you will look like a big pile of jello. Essentially what is happening is the TOXIN is paralyzing your cells and over time they will no longer be able to return to their previous self.  And why in the world a child would need an injection is beyond V.

Natural Beauty
Whatever happened to not judging a book by its cover?  Have we become so shallow that we can not look beyond the spray tans, fake nails, fake boobs, fake lips..ass.. and mind? Did it ever occur to you that the makeup you are wearing is the CAUSE of your wrinkles, discolouration, and poor derma appearance?  And no that is not a pic of me but V does not wear makeup... and I don't look a day over lets say 27.. (not my opinion.. a fact).

"Women are everywhere in this deplorable state; for, in order to preserve their innocence, as ignorance is courteously termed, truth is hidden from them, and they are made to assume an artificial character before their faculties have acquired any strength.  Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming around in its gilt cage, only seeks to adore its prison." 
   ~Mary Wollstonecraft,; AVindication of the Rights of Women; The Same Subject Continued, page 46-47, ISBN 978-0-14-033750-7; 1792.     

You should really read this book!  :)


Friday, April 20, 2012

...Feeding Tube Diet?
Truth among the lies...

If a child like this came to your door, what would you do exactly?  You would probably  call the cops and wonder what the hell was going on at home!!  Well here in America (home) we are at no lose for coming up with new ways to ruin our inner self and promote the mass destruction of up and budding blossoms.
Starving for Attention

This just in... the Ultimate Diet for slackers!  No more worrying about even having to chew your own food!!  So now to go along with your 'I want it all now and as easy as possible' attitude, you can just have it fed to you.

Are we not done with being FED??!?  Are we not FED enough every day through every outlet available, yet we are CHOOSING to be FED more?  In absolute desperation and apparently inability to motivate oneself to greatness, we are choosing the easy way out.  

First off, in the picture above ~ the women on the ends are just f'ng scary.  Where on God's Green Earth is this attractive?  And what exactly do these women do when they are not on the runway?  Do we just put them back into their hollow until the next catwalk because they most certainly can not have the energy to do much of anything but ... well a feeding tube diet.

Although I don't think she could ever ride a horse with that boney ass!!  I'd like to take the boot off and kick her in the ass with it for promoting such negative self imagery.  

Don't get me wrong, I understand some people are just born thin... sometimes very thin with very high metabolisms.  And others have medical conditions restricting their diet ( a friend of my was struck by a car and required a feeding tube for years ) so I am no stranger to MEDICAL REASONS for feeding tubes and the naturally super skinny.  

Out of one side of our mouth, we raise red flags when celeb's are anorexic or appear to be losing much weight.  Contrary~wise we promote it by showing the latest trends in fashion in women who would make better 'poster children' for all the starving children (mothers and fathers) in world.  Starving yourself is not a fitness goal, its stupid plain and simple.  No one and no outfit  is worth compromising yourself in such a manner.  And besides, your negative self body image is skewed.

It isn't 'normal' to be over the top skinny.  It is a misconception to keep you feeling like shit so you go out and get some pharmaceutical to either help you lose weight or easy the depression of the inability to be perfect *HINT* No one is!!!  Its all by design.  Those 'designer' clothes and not designed for the real girl/lady/woman... they are designed for zombies who can't think for themselves.  You don't need that!  You have a brain, a heart, and a gut and they all need to be feed with the proper nutrition for GOOD HEALTH.  

Let's see what Mary has to say today...

                  "Perhaps the seeds of false refinement, immorality, and vanity, have ever been shed by the great.  Weak, artificial beings, raised above the common wants and affections of their race, in a premature unnatural manner, undermine the very foundation of virtue, and spread corruption through the whole mass of society! " 
  ~Mary Wollstonecraft,; AVindication of the Rights of Women; Author's Introduction, page 4, ISBN 978-0-14-033750-7; 1792.                                           
Enjoy your weekend, eat healthy, get some sunshine, and take a damn walk already!

<3 U

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sorry to burst your bubble...

Hot dogs in my pizza *iN the UK only ~ of course*

a HOT DOG at my feet Image

And a hot mess in your closet!  Don't you think before you leave the house??!?

Buster says 'Keep it Simple'.  All you need is a good bath, some cuts here and there, and of course a band-anna.   Which of course is OK if you are a dog.  But you are not a dog are you??  Of course you are not.  Let your inner light shine; we are all beautiful.

But where do you start... Did you take those nasty bits to the woman's shelter yet?  Its ok, me either.  They are still riding it out in the back of my car but I think today is a wonderful day to drop them off for good.  I just need to throw a few more things in there before I make the trip.§

[caption id="attachment_25" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?"]cover that shit up![/caption]

A big thanks to for the pic!  

Now I know letting it all hang out is the rage but come on?!?  Did you leave your self respect back in the ladies room when you so casually adjusted your pants to this height?  The only thing you are about to accomplish here is a nice swift kick in the ass.  And maybe a bit more for your daily pleasure ~ best be careful, it may not be the result you were consciously thinking of.  Subconscious   disrespect of the goddess within you will only get you the same as we greet the world with yourspecial get-up and go!

Maybe you were thinking you wanted to display your fish tale...

[caption id="attachment_27" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Its a vesica pisces ~ We are taking it back"]use your imagination, OK[/caption]

Now it may take a bit for you to see the resemblance but give yourself a few minutes... or have a cup of tea and come back to it, its OK ~ I will wait.

This age old symbol of unity is just the foundation for personal growth if you so choose and although it seems tempting to display your process to the world (whether it be forward or retrograde... it's really all the same.. just set your intention with a GOOD hall pass) maybe you should rethink your choice in accessories!  Don't let your ass out there hanging in the breeze it needs the comfort of home to feel really free.

I'll share a quick story a very good friend told me (Thanks Andy). In discussing 'professional attire' while walking up the hill one afternoon, Andy shared these words of wisdom...

'...while I don't mind the sexual clothing on campus... who would? It is very distracting and really shouldn't be allowed.  And besides, how the hell are men  supposed take action against it or act in a similar manner? It's not like if we (men) walked around on campus with our tits or ass (or both!) hanging out, women would be like all yea, I like that and get all goo goo eyed...'   (paraphrased from my recollection)

What you project; you acttract.  Before you leave the house again, make sure you are sending the right messages.  (please, just try it once for you)

I leave you once again with thoughts from Mary Wollstonecraft ♥
"The conduct and manners of women, in fact, evidently prove that their minds are not in a healthy state; for, like the flowers which are planted in a soil too rich, strength and usefulness are sacrificed to beauty; and the flaunting leaves, after having pleased the fastidious eye, fade, disregarded on the stalk, long before the season when they ought to have arrived at maturity."

~Mary Wollstonecraft, ; A Vindication of the Rights of Women; Author's Introduction, page Ι, ISBN 978-0-14-303750-7; 1792.

♥ u


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

War on Women?!

Now I have heard some 'out of this world' nonsense lately, and believe me when I say to you it is some crazy ass shit!!!  But where oh where is this shit going to end?!?  Ladies? Can you hear me??

I say ~ Let us start today.   Let the madness ensue!  They can have their cake and eat it too.  We've been fed the nonsense for far too long, now we are just fed up.  Move over Rover, Now there's something 'meater'!

And what better way to start off the new day with a close and personal look at the world of fashion.  Oh, I know what you are thinking... what the hell does that have to do with anything.  Well the Emperor may have no clothes on but you sure as hell do!    Whoa!   Maybe its time to clean out your closet...  believe me it is liberating.  And then, Call your local women's shelter and donate the dress(es) you said you would fit into one day ~ as you must KNOW by now, this 'war on women' is just going to add wood to the fire.

Speaking of wood... would you, could you think outside the box?  I know you can :)

[caption id="attachment_8" align="aligncenter" width="266" caption="I could go on for Hours"][/caption]

OK, here's a tip!  The next time you go out of the house, First take a good hard look at your creation in the mirror dear Queen and then ask yourself, let me repeat that ~ ASK YOURSELF... "What intention am I setting with the outfit I have chosen for the day?"  If it looks sexy, it is sexy ~ simple as that.  You are speaking of sex and your intended sexuality with your little getup you got going on there and in the process forgetting yourself and your dignity.  Sexy clothes, shoes, etc belong in one (or maybe two) places and the work place IS NOT ONE OF THEM!  No excuses.

Oh, yes... go ahead and say it, 'Ah V you are just jealous'.  You can't wear shoes like that anymore (What the hell was I thinking bartending with 4" heels on?!?!)  and your age is starting to show, sexy clothes are a thing of the past for you.   NOT!!!  (yea, I'm going old school on you're ass)  Think a bit more and with a true heart you will see I am merely considering the consequences of  'Bad' fashion.

[caption id="attachment_10" align="aligncenter" width="211" caption="True to yourself"][/caption]

Now please... don't go overboard on me.  Let us not confuse 'Bad' fashion with freedom of expression.  Just because we may not choose to dress a certain way, does not mean it is wrong.  'Bad' fashion = Personal expression".  This equation can not enter your mind just poo poo it out right now.  I am also not saying, go ahead and judge a book by its cover.  LOL! you should never do that.

I leave you with this...
It is time to effect a Revolution in female manners - Time to restore them to their lost dignity - and make them, as a part of the human species.

~Mary Wollstonecraft 

Please keep in mind, Mary was born in the 18th century (27 April 1759 – 10 September 1797).  But where have we moved to since then?  Let's start today and make Mary proud of the Women we can become!

♥ U

~ V

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Like mental jewelery, what we wear says so much about us.  Silently it expresses without saying a word.   The ages old expression... 'She was asking for it' just may be true.

Like the Pink Slime! They are feeding our children, we feed the world our intimate fears and desires with the simple act of donning our clothes.  No matter what the budget...we can do better.