Thursday, May 3, 2012


V has recently found out she has late stage, chronic Lyme disease...  Although I keep attempting to gather thoughts to make posts.. my brain is just mush this week.  I was informed last Friday, given a very restrictive diet to decrease my inflammation and more pain pills and anti-anxiety medication than a true pharmie junkie could ever hope for (V is more of an all natural kinda girl..)  This week I am 'detoxing' my body.  Removing sugar, caffeine, almost all carbs, and starches has left me with about at much energy as a slug and a pain level high enough to limit my ability to type, think, and organize properly.  Next week will be better as will each week after that as my body learns to adjust to its new and improved state of decreased inflammation.  After all, it was quite addicted to even the low level of sugars I provided.  And sweet Jesus do I miss my coffee.

I will be resume my blog and soon to be vblog very soon.  Until then, here are a few links for more information

My sincerest of thank you's goes out to my GOOD doctor who I will not name at this time as he is being forced out of practice for a time for attempting to spread the truth.  May we all live in a world where the truth is the only thing with value one day.

Oh the irony...

<3 V